
Notice on Hosting The Sports Competition of Anhui University of Finance and Economics in The First Half of 2021

Release Time:2021-03-11    Number of visits:124   

Each Colleges:

In order to implement the spirit of Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening School Sports to Promote the All-round Development of Students’ Physical and Mental Health (Guobanfa [2016] No. 27) and the Opinions of the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council on Comprehensively Strengthening and Improving School Sports Work in the New Era (Zhongbanfa [2020] No. 36), promote the extensive development of sunshine sports, accelerate the implementation process of sports clubs, enrich campus cultural life, and enhance students' physical fitness. After research, it has been determined that in the first half of 2021, competitions such as college men's basketball leagues, roller skating competitions, and aerobics competitions will be held. The Competition Regulations of the relevant competitions are sent to you. Please make preparations for all competitions and register for the competition as required.

Hereby inform.

Attachment 1: 2021 Anhui University of Finance and Economics Roller Skating Competition Rules

Attachment 2: 2021 Anhui University of Finance and Economics Men’s Basketball League Competition Rules

Attachment 3: 2021 Anhui University of Finance and Economics Aerobics Competition Rules

Sports Committee of Anhui University of Finance and Economics

Physical Education Department of Anhui University of Finance and Economics

March 11, 2021